vokabre.com - Postcard: MS Silja Serenade on the way from Tallinn to Helsinki (version 2)
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Postcard: MS Silja Serenade on the way from Tallinn to Helsinki (version 2)
[Posted: 2023-05-29 23-06 UTC±0] 

Postcard: MS Silja Serenade on the way from Tallinn to Helsinki. This postcard was lost in the mail.

Ink and watercolour on the back of a postcard from Narva.


Michael Vokabre ~ Michael Shahar ~ Mikhail Shcherbakov(?)
e-mail: vokabre@vokabre.com
vokabre.com - - Kingdom of the Netherlands, Amsterdam(?)
MMVIII–MMXXIII and counting. cc-by-nc-nd 4.0.