vokabre.com - Postcard: Anti-missile defenses over Tel Aviv Jaffa
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Postcard: Anti-missile defenses over Tel Aviv Jaffa
[Posted: 2024-04-08 11-28 UTC±0] 

Illustration in ink and watercolour of anti-missile defenses over Tel Aviv Jaffa painted on a postcard

〜 〜 〜

Patreon with the high-res scan and the story (this postcard was sent as a patreon reward): https://www.patreon.com/posts/101933887/

Ko-fi is nice too: https://ko-fi.com/vokabre

Mirrors with art uploads:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5fz4G-INOO/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Procyonity/status/1777282566430539855
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117668468
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/vokabre.bsky.social/post/3kpmh3f66mp22

Michael Vokabre ~ Michael Shahar ~ Mikhail Shcherbakov(?)
e-mail: vokabre@vokabre.com
vokabre.com - - Kingdom of the Netherlands, Amsterdam(?)
MMVIII–MMXXIII and counting. cc-by-nc-nd 4.0.