vokabre.com - Postcard: Flutist and Bird Prototype at Kawaguchiko Music Forest II
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Postcard: Flutist and Bird Prototype at Kawaguchiko Music Forest II
[Posted: 2024-10-23 14-20 UTC±0] 

Ink and watercolour postcard of Flutist and Bird Prototype (フルート・プレイヤー・-プロトタイプ-) automaton (built by Franz Oehrlein) at Kawaguchiko Music Forest (河口湖オルゴールの森).

Sent from Miyajima Post Office (宮島郵便局) at Itsukushima for a special cancellation postmark (Fuukeiiin, 風景印).

This postcard is a “remake” of a postcard with the same Flutist drawn many years ago and sent from Tokyo with a special cancellation postmark of the Tokyo Postal Museum.

This scaled postcard and accompanying photographs was the first one published for public with “Nightshade” processing. The high-res versions for patrons are kept unedited.

This postcard I also happened to photograph at twitter.com/MarionnetteAmis (then called “Marionette Party”) cafe, including with one of twitter.com/hamcat_mqq dolls and a doll by “Parabox” (パラボックス).

🎨 Patreon with the high-res scan and the story: https://www.patreon.com/posts/114550361/
☕ Ko-fi is nice too: https://ko-fi.com/vokabre

Mirrors with art uploads:
📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/DBduxRKoQc0
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Procyonity/status/1849051933836783874
🦋 Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/vokabre.bsky.social/post/3l76hmmfsd424
🇯🇵 Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123614567
🥐 Cara: https://cara.app/post/85b6c954-d24f-4a01-ace5-886f5b9c10a9

Michael Vokabre ~ Michael Shahar ~ Mikhail Shcherbakov(?)
e-mail: vokabre@vokabre.com
vokabre.com - - Kingdom of the Netherlands, Amsterdam(?)
MMVIII–MMXXV and counting. cc-by-nc-nd 4.0.