Postcard: Meganebashi in Nagasaki (Japan)
[Posted: 2020-04-03 10-31 UTC±0]
Meganebashi (Glasses Bridge) in Nagasaki (Japan)
Drawn in ink and watercolour on early 20th century, likely pre-WWII postcard. The postcard is highly unusual, as it features an inscription in Esperanto: «NAGASAKI Restajo de Dezima, Ventumil-forma insuleto, kie troviĝis, la loĝejaro de holandanoj» that translates to «NAGASAKI Remnants of Dejima, the fan-shaped islet, where the lodging of Dutch was found». - - Kingdom of the Netherlands, Amsterdam(?)
MMVIII–MMXXV and counting. cc-by-nc-nd 4.0.
MMVIII–MMXXV and counting. cc-by-nc-nd 4.0.